Long Road to China - Our Adoption Story

Trustmark National Bank account set up:

Donations can be made nation wide at any Trustmark National Bank through the account:
Phillip Smith or Niki J. Smith's Adoption Account

If you would like to mail a donation, please mail it to
Phil or Niki Smith
P.O. Box 332
Rienzi, MS 38865

Sunday, July 17, 2011

PIF Rules

O.K. I took a gander at our following list for our blog and no else has signed to follow our blog  so can I figure:
No one wants to PIF?
No one wants my PIF?
I'm just going to guess that no one wanted to get ahead in the game.? lol

Rules are as follows
1.)  You will not know what I'm giving you until you get it.  Hey, a smile is giving someone something so don't expect a new house! lol  You may or may not like it.
2.) I have 2 weeks to complete my PIF obligations and the person I PIF to has 2 weeks to complete their PIF obligations.
3.) You need to follow us on our blog on blogger (NOT just Facebook)
4.) The first 5 comments on our BLOG  will get a PIF from me. (0:
I will contact you today or tomorrow for an address.

See that's not hard is it?
What is a PIF?  Anything kind act done for another.  It can be helping someone with their kids,  mowing a yard, buying food for someone in line, and the list could continue.  This PIF does NOT have to be anything that causes you to spend $.  If you want to PIF that way, great; if not, great - you be the decision maker on your PIF.  

PIF acts do not have to be shared unless you want to for some reason.  This is done on the honor system.  
O.k.  go follow our blog and post a comment on our blog so I can feel better with some PIFs (0;  
SMILE and say Hello to someone -  you never know.......it might just make their day!

LAST Reminder - Only a few hours left for this special:
Buy 3 bags of coffee and get 1 FULL size (13 oz) not for-sale yet espresso for FREE!
(OFFER ENDS TONIGHT for the free bag!)

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GiGi Dahl

July 2011

(GiGi far right)

My crew sporting the new t-shirts

My crew sporting the new t-shirts

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