Long Road to China - Our Adoption Story

Trustmark National Bank account set up:

Donations can be made nation wide at any Trustmark National Bank through the account:
Phillip Smith or Niki J. Smith's Adoption Account

If you would like to mail a donation, please mail it to
Phil or Niki Smith
P.O. Box 332
Rienzi, MS 38865

Monday, April 23, 2012


DAY 49 & couldn't be more excited!!!!  
We got our LOA (Letter Seeking Confirmation of Adopter) today!
Thank you for the prayers!  We have been very anxious to get this & was hoping to get it several weeks ago, but couldn't be happier today!!!!!


  1. Yay! So, so happy for your family.

    1. Thank you both so much! We are so ready to hold our GiGi in our arms & have her with her family where she belongs!!!! :0)

  2. YEAH!!!! I'm so happy for you and for Gigi!!
    Krista Dolan
