Friday, September 14, 2012

Yeah - Update on Guan Ya.....

We were so excited to get an update of our Guan Ya!  Phil will definitely have another "go to" model when she gets here!  Isn't she beautiful?!?!?!  Phil may have to buy stock in Black Cat!  I mean really we have 3 beautiful daughters!  ;0)  It wouldn't be the first time he fired up some fireworks (sounding like a machine-gun to "want to be" sneaky boys) to run them off..... I won't mention any names but I still laugh thinking about some boys (about 6 years ago) rolling our yard & then rolling down the hill at the sound of flashlight firecrackers! hehe

From looking at her pictures & reading about her orphanage, it appears she has a nicer orphanage than GiGi was in.  From our understanding Guan Ya is in a foster home at this time.  As we've said tons of times, all orphans need a forever family & love!  We are so blessed that God has chosen us to entrust our newest daughter!

Guan Ya is in the red coat.  These were from her birthday in March.

 I'm guessing this was a birthday for another child from the orphanage.  It was taken about 4 months ago.
 Guan Ya in white shirt & long hair.

   Again, I'm guessing this was a birthday for another child from the orphanage.  It was taken in January.
 Guan Ya has on the pink coat with poka dots.
Can you say typical teen look? lol

Guan Ya in the middle. These were taken in June.
Guan Ya peace out!

It never ceases to amaze me how much you can love your child!  We will be traveling to get our daughter before March 9 (her 14th birthday).  This adoption is being expedited so she will not age out before our adoption is complete.  Please continue to pray for all of us!  Blessings!  Niki


  1. She is beautiful! I hope I get the chance to meet her someday!!!

  2. Thank you! You can meet our little stinkers anytime! We should get together & let the kids play sometime. We could know between the "Mommy can I....", "Mommy can you......" "Mommy help me open this" "Mommy he is messing with me." & all the other Mommy duties that we behold. But I wouldn't have it any other way! It's the most rewarding job I could ever hold!
