Thursday, February 28, 2013

In Silence.......

Psalm 46:10
Be still and Know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.

"I'm finding myself at a loss for words

And the funny thing is it's okay

The last thing I need is to be heard
But to hear what You would say"
(Lyrics from MercyMe - Word of God Speak)

full lyrics follow post

I got up yesterday hearing a whisper repeated in my ears
"Be Still & Know" 
I felt it was my day to just listen. 

I did not forget anyone yesterday!  
At times it actually drove me crazy.  
I'm not addicted to social media but
 I wanted to share with you that we were cabled yesterday.  
I wanted to share with you that we booked our flights & we leave Sat morning.  
I wanted to share with you my heart that is bursting with love for all you have done for us! 
I wanted to shout thanks from the mountains for the blessings you have brought in our lives!

I'll be honest with you in saying I am absolutely lost for words what to say to you all to show our extreme gratitude for every person following our story, praying for us, sharing our story, giving of time, money, & other items.  
What do you say when Thank you just doesn't seem appropriate?
Honestly, I don't know because that is where I'm at now!  I'm humbled for all you have done to get our daughter to home!

I am so excited that I can barely contain myself!  I feel like I'm pregnant and going to have my baby in  4 days.  I know I keep saying it and I'm a proud mamma but YaYa is just precious!!!  I have to share her email:
No, I have never been shopping.  You do not need to bring me anything.  I do not know the things I like.  I guess  I like chocolate. 
Have you come to China yet?
I will not be afraid.  I am very happy.
I love you!
I mean really..........who could not love this beautiful soul?  There is a good reason why she has touched hearts all over the US & beyond.

Back to my original thought...
I was in silence for several reasons yesterday on social media.
Mark 6:31
Then, because so many people were coming and going that they did not even have a chance to eat, he said to them,“Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.”

Yesterday, my silence was a way to praise my Lord!  I felt He wanted all my attention so I spent my complete day with Him!
I know God does not tire as I do but do you remember what He did after the first 6 miraculous days in the Bible?  (Genesis 1)  
 Thus the heavens and the earth were completed in all their vast arrayBy the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work. Then God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done.
(Genesis 2:1-3) 

Yes, I realize yesterday was Not Sunday, but I felt God has moved so many mountains to bring our mission this far that I should honor Him and fast and rest and praise and worship in Him alone.  Yesterday I wanted to ask nothing from my Father but give praise to Him for all of the miracles He performed for one orphan aging out child (Orphan NOT FOR LONG!!!!). 

As I was quiet, I was able to absorb some of the greatness that is soon coming full circle with Guan Ya.  I used the time to reflect on how faithful our Father is when we trust!  I stood back & looked at the last 6 months in absolute "WOW" with No words. 
It is too vast & too beautiful to put words on this great journey!
 I was in silence in honor of our Lord!

I was in silence in honor of our precious daughter Guan Ya that God has trusted us with.  I do not mean that to say she does not communicate but she is mute/silent in voice.  Yes, she communicates and yes she can type but this was just my way to honor her & the great honor I have of being her mother & to honor our Maker for picking us for this path!

Yesterday morning as I continued to hear whispers of "Be Still and Know" I also remembered it was BlackOut via K-Love.

"Tomorrow, Feb 27, we're disappearing on social media in honor of the 27 million men, women and children who've disappeared. Trapped in slavery. In brothels. In factories. In quarries. Working as slaves. In 161 countries, including the U.S. "

If you read my post

You will understand how much of a realization this 

could have been for our beautiful daughter!

We are praising God for all the mountains He has

 moved to get Guan Ya home to our forever family.

We pray for all the ones in child trafficking and all 


Now you know why I was silent yesterday!

Today, I found out we got our Article 5 & TA over night!  We had been told we would not have TA until after we had traveled because of the time constraints.  We will get our Consultant appointment when we are in China. YEAH LORD!!!!  If He hasn't moved mountains, then I'm not sure what moving a mountain would look like!  God has done so many miraculous things though this journey that it's hard to wrap my mind around it!  He has used you to ensure His will was done & you trusted and obeyed!  Thank you for listening, following, & loving Him and an orphan child enough to give from your heart!  You have not only forever changed Guan Ya's heart & life but you have also changed my heart & life!

We will be very busy today & tomorrow preparing to leave & get our girl!  Please continue to pray for Guan Ya & us!  I know she is a strong & brave girl but she has to be scared of leaving everything she knows.  I'm sure she will morn which is a normal process.  Please pray for her & that we will know how to handle situations we may be faced with.  Pray for bonding and Pray for safe travels without delays!  Our girl still ages next week (China time) so our goal is not complete.

I leave you with some wonderful news about the mountains God moved Tuesday in the adoption community.  We were able to get our minimal amount needed to be able to travel & 2 other families that will be traveling soon also were funded that day!  How awesome is that???  I'm proud to be a part of a community that understands the true heart of God.

I think I posted enough already to make up for my missed day 

yesterday! :0)  I want you all to know we read every message that 

comes through and each is very special to us & encourage us.  I try 

to respond to each message but if you have not gotten a response 

please know we are grateful for them!

Please continue to pray that our works will glorify the Lord!

Please continue to pray for our union with our daughter in a few days!

May He get ALL the Glory!

Lyrics from MercyMe - Word of God Speak

I'm finding myself at a loss for words
And the funny thing is it's okay
The last thing I need is to be heard

But to hear what You would say

Word of God speak
Would you pour down like rain
Washing my eyes to see
Your majesty
To be still and know
That you're in this place
Please let me stay and rest
In your holiness 
Word of God speak

I'm finding myself in the midst of You
Beyond the music, beyond the noise
All that I need is to be with You
And in the quiet hear Your voice

[Chorus: Repeat 2X]
I'm finding myself at a loss for words
And the funny thing is it's okay

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Double Dog Dare TODAY.......

Guan Ya is now in the SINGLE digits of days she has left to be adopted!!!!

Today I have a massive headache that is on the verge of a migraine!   Yes, I'm sure it's stress related, but I have GOT to get it controlled before it gets full blown!  Which likely means lying in a quiet dark place....which I of course have NO time for but I don't have time for a full migraine either!

I have not been able to book flights yet, but it is highly likely we will be leaving in 3 days after looking at the flights last night! Next Tuesday, we will be united with our beautiful Guan Ya!  Next Wednesday, we will complete her adoption and forever be a family!

Everyone has done so very much for us that words just do not cover our hearts of gratefulness!  The love you have shown for our daughter is greater than I could have ever imagined!  We pray God will bless each of you as you have blessed us!  I hate to ask anything else of you, but we were given a "match fund" by a family. I know many of you have given so very much of time, prayer, encouragement, donations, & so much more.  However, if you have considered giving a monetary donation, may I ask that you please give today because Guan Ya's donations given today will be doubled for every dollar!  And if you feel led, PLEASE share the following anywhere you would like (FB, blogs, emails, tweet, word of mouth, etc)  We have had $135 total donated at  (=$270) YEAH!!!! Please keep praying & sharing!!  Our goal is to have $1,115 more donated today so if you can help us meet that goal in prayer, sharing, donating any amount, it would help lift a burden from us.

I have a lot to do before we leave and I need to get this headache gone so I can be 100%+.  Please pray that it will be gone ASAP & that everyone will stay well!  I'm trusting you to help spread the word today as I am now going to rid this headace!  We need your continued prayers to carry us through!  

This is the message I posted last night & you are welcome to Copy & Share this message:

Last night we t had an incredible offer from the Reilly family!!!! They have offered to MATCH every dollar donated up to $1,250 that is sent though Guan Ya's paypal account 

This is what Mrs. Cathy stated:
" here is a "double dog dare" for everyone. The Reilly's will match every dollar donated by the end of the day tomorrow
(which is now TODAY)  February 26th, up to $1,250. So, with matching we can reach $2,500. please donate though paypal so they get the funds ASAP.

Kevin(Gracie's BaBa) Cathy (Gracie's Mom) ....And...Matt, Chris, Sarah, YaoYao, Jack, and Mei Mei"

PLEASE SHARE!!!!! If you donate $50, then it will be matched with $50 so for your $50, we get $100 thanks to the Reilly family!!!!

If you've heard me speak then you know about Gracie's room that GiGi was in while in the orphanage in China! We give credit to Gracie's room for GiGi bonding with us so quickly & having less problems with catching up among many other things. If you do not know about Gracie's room, please read about it here and consider donating! I plan to help Barbara McKissick Bennett with her new position with their program when we return from China. This is about Gracie's room:!what-is-gracies-room/c1q5t
(Do you even recognize that little puff ball playing the xylophone?)

COME on, what are you waiting on???? Go donate so it will be doubled and SHARE, SHARE, SHARE! We have not booked flights but we will be leaving on Friday or Saturday!!!! THANK YOU REiLLY FAMILY!!!!!!!

Don't forget our video is featured on Give1Save1Asia 

Monday, February 25, 2013

Double Dog Dare You!!!!

O.k. we have just had an incredible offer from the Reilly family!!!! They have offered to MATCH every dollar donated up to $1,250 that is sent though Guan Ya's paypal account 

This is what Mrs. Cathy stated:
" here is a "double dog dare" for everyone. The Reilly's will match every dollar donated by the end of the day tomorrow February 26th, up to $1,250. So, with matching we can reach $2,500. please donate though paypal so they get the funds ASAP.

Kevin(Gracie's BaBa) Cathy (Gracie's Mom) ....And...Matt, Chris, Sarah, YaoYao, Jack, and Mei Mei"

PLEASE SHARE!!!!! If you donate $50, then it will be matched with $50 so for your $50, we get $100 thanks to the Reilly family!!!!

If you've heard me speak then you know about Gracie's room that GiGi was in while in the orphanage in China! We give credit to Gracie's room for GiGi bonding with us so quickly & having less problems with catching up among many other things. If you do not know about Gracie's room, please read about it here and consider donating! I plan to help Barbara McKissick Bennett with her new position with their program when we return from China. This is about Gracie's room:!what-is-gracies-room/c1q5t
(Do you even recognize that little puff ball playing the xylophone?)

COME on, what are you waiting on???? Go donate so it will be doubled and SHARE, SHARE, SHARE! We have not booked flights but we will be leaving on Friday or Saturday!!!! THANK YOU REiLLY FAMILY!!!!!!!

Don't forget our video is featured on Give1Save1Asia 

If you missed the news, we have not booked our flights yet, but maybe leaving out as early as FRIDAY (yes, like a few days!)  We will meet our YaYa on the 5th & her adoption will be completed on the 6th!  In 1 week from today (China time) we will have our forever family of 6 united!  Oh how I love the sound of that!

This was my message this morning  from our precious daughter:
"I am excited to see this video my photo (referring to the video from this post
I'm so happy! I would like to see you right now - I know within 7 days! I also hope that it is that soon
I love you!"

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Guan Ya....You're Coming Home Video

We want to let know how grateful we are for featuring Guan Ya's video on their blog this week!  We will be featured from today to next Sunday.  We love their blog and what they are doing for orphans & adoptive families!  They are truly an asset!  Thank you so much!  If you are not familiar, you can read about them here  Their goal is to ask people to give at least $1 each week to the featured family of the week and this week they are featuring Guan Ya's story!  How awesome is that????  
PLEASE PRAY and SHARE so that we can raise the rest of the needed funds THIS WEEK & can travel to unite with our daughter! :)  After you do this, we ask that you will continue to give at least $1 to each family of the week to bring home an orphan!

Our adoption agency has requested us in China by March 4th, 2013 (yes just a FEW days!!!) to bring our daughter, Guan Ya HOME! We are so humbled and blessed to be part of this journey and to be Guan Ya's parents!

We are still short several thousand we were needing prior to travel.  God has moved so many mountains and I know He will provide the funds for this also.  If you feel led to donate, we ask that you donate at this time through our PayPal because we can get our money quickest that way (and we MUST be on a plane NO LATER than a week from TODAY - February 24, 2013 today's date!).  
This is the link to Guan Ya's fund 

(GoFundMe can take up to a week to get to our account and we need these funds prior to travel.  That is why we are requesting donations for Guan Ya not be made through GoFundMe at this time.)

If you are on a phone and cannot access that link, you can watch it here:

Thank you very much to each of you that have helped to get our daughter home!  We are so thankful God has brought us to this point!  We're praising the Lord for everything including making you part of our journey!  We are thankful for your willingness to help us follow His will and give Guan Ya a family!   Without God using others & others following His lead, we would not be able to think about bringing our daughter home!  You will forever be a part of making an orphan become part of a forever family as a daughter, sister, granddaughter, niece, & cousin. Please continue to remember us, pray for us (especially Guan Ya), and share our page with others!  Then, watch as God continues to move mountains & change lives!  Thank you for following His will and loving the orphans!  We pray that each of you will be blessed as you follow our journey!

If you aren't familiar with our story, Guan Ya is a beautiful 13 year old orphan that is deaf.  On her 14th birthday (March 9) she will become ineligible to ever be adopted. If  we aren't able to complete her adoption by her birthday, she will forever be stamped an orphan.  God has placed Guan Ya in our heart as our daughter!  Our story is one of Faith, the moving of mountains to reach our daughter in time & the great love for our Father.  Follow our story  here and read about a modern day miracle!  

For those of you that missed Friday's post, here is the message  Guan Ya sent to her Daddy:
"I got your message! I'm in school now! But I wanted to know that you are alright? I'm fine now!  Is mother and brother and sisters alright? I am so missing you, I love you!  Yaya"

If you missed our story from WREG, you can watch it here

You can read more about our family in this post

We are using LifeLine out of Birmingham, AL if you feel the need to verify our adoption.

Deuteronomy 31:6
"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you."

Proverbs 22:2 (NIV)
“Rich and poor have this in common: The LORD is the Maker of them all.” 

Friday, February 22, 2013

Pouring like a sponge that can hold no more.....

I was not going to write a blogpost today. However, I'm pouring out tears like a sponge that is being squeezed and can hold no more. When I was called to share our journey with you, I obeyed and I want to share our entire journey regardless of how busy I get.

It has been a roller-coaster tense kind of a few days!  I promise I don't like drama nor am I attention seeking!  The things that happen in our lives cannot be made up!  Our paperwork that has been expedited well........more hangups!  
Surprised? I'm not!  

1.)  Hangups have included the closing of the facility due to a snow storm - trust me when I say this is extremely uncommon!  
2.) Then, we lacked the Chinese documents of  Guan Ya's medical paperwork; we had them in English just not in Chinese.   I went on a great search to find these and did not remember seeing them - good reason why!  The CCCWA did not send these.  I honestly laughed out loud this morning when I figured out we didn't have them.  My contact person probably thought I was nutz (she probably thought this prior to my laughing).  I just said I expected nothing less!  This is just typical for us & I said God's got this!  It's still provokes anxiety but there was nothing I could do about this!    I did think about it for a second & my anxiety wanted to skyrocket because I remembered it was FRIDAY NIGHT around 11p.m. in CHINA where the paperwork sat.  
I mean really - what's the likely hood of getting them today?

Just about the time I started to spiral in a panic, I walk around the corner & see this
and I hear
"Luv Lu tooooooo!"
For those of you that missed it on my FB, this is a guilty look and phrase!

Again, I laughed because what else are you to do when..........well, I'll just say she knew she was in trouble!  
I mean she has the cuteness perfected!

In less than an hour, I get a phone call from our adoption agency.  Our paperwork FROM CHINA was received and sent to our officer so our paperwork could proceed!  Nope, I'm not even kidding!  Again, I laughed and said I'm not even asking because I know this is only by God's hands!

It's not my lack of care that makes me laugh but lack of control so what else is there to do???  Maybe it was just God's way again of letting me know He's got this!

Then, I got a text from Phil.  You see I didn't mention it a lot but he was just torn up for a long while because he knew the odds were not in favor of us adopting our daughter before she aged out.  I mean honestly there was no way to slice it to make it work by looking at everything!  We handle things differently most of the time.  He could not handle the thought of not having his daughter here and the reality of what would likely happen to her!  It was really  more than his daddy heart could handle!  It was no different than being told  this was Macy or GiGi as Guan Ya is equally our daughter in our hearts!

Well, the last week he has started to turn the corner and see the light!  His attitude has changed & as I blog, handle paperwork, etc. he has started nesting!  I love it when he starts to nest!  He has done it with all 4 of our children!  He goes in super Daddy speed to get things done - those of you the know Phil know that it is a defect from birth that causes him to never have this speed! (Love ya hubby but you cannot deny that getting in a rush is not your style!)

This morning during his break, I get a message!  You would have thought God was standing before Him because he was so excited.  (Trust me again when I say I love my hubby but he stays on a pretty flat playing field with his speed, emotions, etc.  For him to get excited it must be something pretty big!

 "Got an email from YaYa!!!!!!!!!!  Forwarded it to ya!!!  
This is really happening!!!" 
(I wish I had Emoji icons on my keyboard because I think he used them all at a minimal of 3xs each!  I didn't know he knew all those icons!  That's how I knew that boy was excited! )

I opened my email to find the sweetest message Phil had sent from Guan Ya to her Daddy!
"I got your message! I'm in school now! But I wanted to know that you are alright? I'm fine now!  Is mother and brother and sisters alright? I am so missing you, I love you!  Yaya"

Oh be still my beating heart!
 Well, he was OVER the moon excited and I was too!  What a precious child God has blessed us with!  This is the point where the tears began to rush like a sponge filled to the max and being squeezed!  Oh baby girl, we will be there soon!  Have I told you how much we love her and how humbled we are that God picked us of all the people in the world to be this sweet girl's parents?
It has been a fight to get her home 
and I don't regret one second of it!!!!

I will also tell you this too about her teddy bear Daddy!  See the girl's are always Daddy's girl's here!  If Mommy says "No", Macy will say, "I knew to ask Daddy first." Yeah, they are the apple of Daddy's eye & they so love their Daddy!   Obviously Guan Ya will be no different!  She has him wrapped just like the other 2 (Colt is more Mommy's boy but NOT the girls!)

On Sunday, I will share with you a special short video (only about 3 min) I made of our journey!  I showed it to Phil last night and he cried!  Wait, do you remember this is the man that basically cries over NOTHING!  It's just Phil & he just doesn't cry so if something makes him cry it's a pretty stinkin' big deal!

O.k. there are my ups & downs & shining daughter!

PLEASE don't forget about our fundraiser tonight!!!! 
It's from 5:30-7:30 & you can drop by and get a to go plate if you cannot stay! There has been a lot of hard work put into this fundraiser by some very special friends so PLEASE come and make it a success!!!
 Thank you!

( I told you I cannot make it short!)

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Final Push......

This is AWESOME!!! 


We need one more push to get this met  ASAP!!!

 Please read on our other site about the $2,000 in 

fees they charged us on the $22,500. Our $22,500 goal still 

lacks $3,360 ($2,205 due to GoFundMeFees & $1,145  to

 hit our goal) GoFundMe charged us fees but didn't include  

their deduction in our total met. 


I know we can get this knocked out 

within the next 24 hours 

if you will just help us by sharing again!!!!! 

Thank you!!!! 




GoFundMe may not like my big fat green $ eating 

So we now have 2 GoFundMe sites to try and clarify why we were lacking $2,205 more due to fees.  
The one directly below the green $ eating monster 
& our original GoFundMe account here

You have blessed us so very much already!  I cannot wait to show Guan Ya how many people love her!!!!
Would you help us with this last push????
It's a 24 HOUR PUSH to get the remainder funds ($3,360)
 online met.

If you are willing to pray for this need to be met within the next 24 hours, please place your name & location below this post.
We will be traveling in less than 2 weeks
I'm honestly thinking we could be traveling in one week.
So if you are willing to share & pray for this need ($3,360) to be met we would be most grateful!!!

John 14:13-14 
Whatever you ask in my name, this I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask me  
anything in my name, I will do it

Lord you have been so good to us!!!  Thank you for all the blessings!  I praise & glorify your name alone!  You know our need and I have Faith you will provide!!!  Thank you for all your wonderful servants that you have sent our way to fulfill your will for Guan Ya!  I'm sorry when I doubt your abilities & my faith lacks!  I give it all to you Father!  You have my heart & my life!  I praise you for the people that follow our blogspot and I pray that you will give very special blessings to each of them as they have blessed us!  
I Love you & thank you for always loving me!
Please be with our precious Guan Ya!