Thursday, August 30, 2012


Many don't donate because they consider "a little" donation of $5 not being enough to make a difference. ANY donation is not "a little" to us! We have a great debt on adoptions but every penny helps, adds up, & is appreciated! We have al
most 1,300 friends in Long road to China - our adoption story on FB. If ½ of the people donated $5 it would pay for our first agency fees. If ¼ of the 1,300 donated $5, it would almost pay for One of our airline tickets. See how it adds up? What great power we have in all things when we all come together & do "a little"!

As an incentive, I’m adding a drawing for the next 2 weeks.
$5 donation = 3 entry
$10 donation = 8 entries
$20 donation = 20 entries
$25 donation = 25 entries PLUS a beautiful free silver charm bracelet shipped to you 

     (I'll take a pic & post it.)

As the number of donations increase, I will add items to the drawing. The drawing is for a $50 gift certificate toward Origami Owl party Some of the items we make are similar to some of the items on this site. Super cute! If you decide to place an order, Please let me know so my cousin, Lacy Thompson, can get the credit. She has been wonderful to us & donated a ton of very nice items for our yard sales. If your business would like to donate an item to the drawing, please let me know & I will add your button &/or post about you on our blogsot.

How can you make donations?
--via paypal – first button on the right side of our blogspot or use email
--Donations can be made nationwide at any Trustmark National Bank through the account: Phillip Smith or Niki J. Smith's Adoption Account
--Mail donations to
Phil or Niki Smith
P.O. Box 332
Rienzi, MS 38865
-- (we get charged the highest interest from this site, but it is also available)

There are more ways to gain entries into the drawings. You've asked how you can help; this is the easiest thing you can do & you can win a prize.
You have no idea how much we would appreciate it if you would do all of the following that you utilize
--> "Like" this with Facebook - 1 entries
--> "Share" this with Facebook - 2 entries
--> "Tweet" our site if you use Tweeter - 1 entries
--> "Pin" on Pinterest - 2 entries
--> Include it in your blogspot or website with a link (even mention it in a post) - you can include our link for or - 3 entries each day you mention us
or grab our widget - 3 entries for each day it stays on your site
--> Share it in a group – 2 entries for each
--> Share the ridiculously silly & fun picture of our "Beautiful" family. Just make it go viral; we are a good sport! I’d bet that if you share this picture, you’ll make someone laugh. Laughter is wonderful for everyone so give someone a little free medicine! ;0)
- 1 entries
(If you tweet, pin, blog, share in a group, etc. that will not show through this post, please post below what you did to gain entries so we can add your name to the drawing.)
Entering the drawing just requires a click to like, share, pin, etc. Many have asked to let you know how you can help & this is one way! It seems too easy & often overlooked or not done, but if you will share our story, then you've opened the possibilities greatly of us getting more support through prayers, donations, encouragement, provision, resources, guidance, etc. Please click to help & enter the drawing! ;0)

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Shake it G...........

When we adopted GiGi, she was really weak.  We thought it was her special needs not allowing her to sit up from lying down (even while using the rails on the baby bed).  If she fell over (which wasn't uncommon as her balance wasn't really great either) while sitting, she could not sit back up no matter how hard she tried.  However, as we were still in China, she started to grow stronger & was able to use the rails to pull up to a sitting position.  

We've noticed over the weeks that she has gotten much stronger & more balance.  She has always loved to sing & sometimes we recognize the songs - sometimes it's the "Way O', Way O, Hi, Hi'" song (You'd have to know the precious Alexander boys to understand this - I think Tian was the songwriter, but GiGi loved them both!)  Anywho, GiGi had never danced that we have seen, but she started a few days ago.  Needless to say Colt & Macy Jade think it's the greatest!  Colt cheers her on by laughing at her & Macy teaches her new moves & dances with her.  Well, the videographer skills are much lacking as I couldn't get around to her, but I think you can see how far she has come.  

The Good, Bad, Ugly & Best.......

Woe, the shots fire from all directions some days!  Remember, honest posts, raw emotions, & putting it all out there!  I'm not turning back, quitting or slowing down any -- not even thinking that way or doubting for a second!  However, I'm human & a flawed human!  I don't do great things; I'm doing nothing that others haven't done!  Anyone can follow God's challenging calls & do His will!  God could have called anyone on this mission but He chose us!  I think God not only called Guan Ya to be in our lives, but He called us to be in Guan Ya's life!

Anyone of you or another can walk out on blind faith - it's not easy & others will probably think you are crazy!  Blind faith isn't usually about doing what seems sensible; it isn't about having all the answers. And if you do take this leap of faith, He doesn't promise easy & I never expected easy!  

Moses tried to bargain & persuade God as he didn't think he was good enough.  This wasn't Moses' idea or plan; it was clearly God's plan! Moses' excuses:

I'm a nobody
I don't have all the answers
Someone could do it better
I can't do it
--I definitely related to all the above as we started this mission. 

Years may have passed since the time of Moses, but some things haven't - how people try to deal with God's callings!

Guess what? Even with all the excuses, God didn't change his mind with Moses nor us!  I don't expect Moses' 40 years in the wilderness was easy either but he fulfilled his ministry!  Moses was a man with a calling in his life. Moses had sin & was not perfect!  He was called to lead the Israelite out of Egypt.  Though Moses, God was fulfilling His purpose Moses was just the chosen one to carry out the mission.  We are all called for different missions; we just have to listen, believe, & follow!

What I  didn't realize about this journey is that I'd better not take my big girl panties off....not even to wash them....not even a quick hand wash!  I guess I'll be showering in these big panties the rest of the days! 

 I'm going to start with the bad & ugly so I can end on a good note!  Maybe That will make me feel better as I sleep! 

The things I never thought would happen in this process.  I NEVER thought that others would try to sabotage & get our adoption aborted!  I mean that honestly never even crossed my mind - maybe I'm naive.  I'm not going into specifics about this, but some of the ones you expect to find support & understanding from are the very ones  that so  shocked me!  I cannot believe people will ask to help you & fish for where you need help or your weaknesses only to use your kryptonite to doom your family! 

As humans we all tend to say things we shouldn't but wow some of the things cut deep!  I've said my fair share of hurtful things & things I shouldn't say.   I'm sure I've injected my opinions on "what would be best" for another when I should not have said.  I really really try hard not to do this, but I've noticed that the way I word things can sometimes come across the wrong way.  I've had several to try & completely discourage us, scare us away, make us feel completely incompetent, & just say plain hateful things about us following God's will.  

I've found myself hesitant now to even publicly state we are adopting again - Much less go into details about our amazing & wonderful daughter without first being asked!  Don't think for a second that means I'm doubtful or ashamed of our daughter in any way!  No WAY NEVER!!!  Yes, I still write about it & maybe it's easier for me to articulate with writings as I can use the delete or backspace when I realize I've said something I should not have said.  

As I say that, I want you to know that we can handle the truth & "what ifs" & uncertainties of Every detail about adopting our daughter that is older & deaf-mute!  We know this is not the easy path!  We know that others think we are absolutely crazy!  We know others think we are incompetent!  All I can think about is this:  As long as I'm following my Lord, that is all that matters!  I have to answer to Him one day.  If you aren't a Christian, I pray for you & I doubt you can understand this "crazy" way of thinking!  I pray that you can one day find the peace & understanding that we've found!  I've never felt so comfortable & so much harmony - and I've never been so broke (lol)!  It's only through Him that we are who we are today!

Something I really try to pray hard about is the things I say to others.  When I get hurt by another, I must remember that my tongue can cut deep!  I try to think before I take an action, tell another what "I" think they should do, or try to stop something they are doing....especially if they say they were led by God.  We are not all led in the same way so there is no way for another to decide where God is leading you!  If I cannot be of help in information (I'm not saying only paint the pretty picture - not at all!) or say something nice then I need to remember to say nothing at all if it is only hurtful!  

We are all humans so as I feel beat down by the words of others, I continue to remind myself that I am also flawed & God loves everyone of us!  I pray for God to help me forgive even if it is not asked for!  I will admit that through this process, the ugly darts have been aimed at me which makes it easier for me to forgive & go on!  It's when "Momma Bear" comes out that I have a hard time! 

God has called us to begin this journey with Guan Ya soooooo if YOU don't agree or don't like it please just don't share it with me.  I'm not going to give you a human reasonable answer,because all I can tell you is all I know.......God led us on this path!  No matter what others tell us, We are following God's plan anyway.  A lot of negativity & discouragement doesn't do anyone any good!

We are absolutely determined to give Guan Ya the very best that is available.  That does not mean she will live in a mansion or have the name brand clothing or have all the electronics or most popular "thing".  No, but she will have our unconditional love & forever family & she will know about God's love & how Christ has died on the cross for our sins! AND she will have the best that we can give her with language & communication (meaning yes, both she & we will all learn!)  Yes, we may be tired, but nope we aren't giving up & we will always put in the time & energy to learn what we need to.  It will not happen overnight, but neither did the Arc!

The venomous strikes burn, but God has placed so many more encouraging others in our path!  I cannot tell you how many have touched us in our short period of time of announcing our 2nd adoption!  I've been astounded at the number of you that have given us wonderful guidance, prayers, references, advice, time, offerings, & most of all - shown love toward us & our Guan Ya!  To me, those are the greatest moments & many times, they have brought me to tears as you show your loving cores!  

I've had several that would talk to us honestly & openly about what to expect or how things may be!  I've had messages/calls of offerings, of prayers, items we could use or that Guan Ya could use - from articles of clothing, snacks, teen magazines, craft supplies, accessories, & more (If I left out something specific that has been offered, I'm getting really tired & appreciate everyone of you more than you could know!)  I've had suggestions for help & several that have expressed a great interest in learning sign language.

As I said, I'm getting tired & I guess I should have started with the good & best so I could tire out on the bad, ugly! lol  So many have touched us but I would like to share with you one time in particular.

There are 3 very special girls that are a mess I will admit.  They are sometimes  loud & honest & might embarrass you by stating the truth.  However,  I've always loved them & admired the ladies they are becoming!  This weekend as they were helping & pampering Macy Jade, we began to talk about Guan Ya.  They were so excited the more I talked about our precious daughter & the more I told them about what I knew of her.  They started telling me how they were going to learn sign language & were so excited to start learning.  Then, they started asking if they could make Guan Ya friendship bracelets, tie-dyed shirts & signing it, & other girly things she would like.  I was speechless!  These girls, all under 20, didn't see Guan Ya as being deaf-mute, but as being our daughter & automatically their friend!  Wow, many adults cannot see her for that & to think these girls didn't think any other way.  These beautiful girls completely realized Guan Ya's special needs & they chatted about things she Could do in school with them.  I told them she liked to dance & they were like "Yeap, she will have to be a cheerleader with us"  They proceeded to  think of ways the cheers could be adapted for Guan Ya to know when to start cheering, etc.  Next they talked about going places together & painting nails, fixing hair, & other things girls love to do together!  I honestly cried several times last night thinking about how special these girls were to think of our Guan Ya & how they could incorporate her into their lives.  It never crossed their mind that she might be different & strange, but rather that she would do things differently & how they could support her!  These are Christian girls & they touched my heart in a way they will never understand!  They are more mature than some adults & God used them to comfort me when He knew I needed it!  Cede, Brittany, & Anna thank you so much for our talk yesterday!  I cannot wait to send Guan Ya pictures of you gals & tell her about the special friends awaiting her in the US!  You girls are the best & I love you!

In conclusion, I'm not going to live my life with I'da.  I'da given Guan Ya a great life.  I'da learned sign language. I'da.......  No not I'da; I'm gonna!  I'm gonna do the things God leads us to. I'da rather not think what would happen if I didn't follow God's direct calling for my life so I'm just going to do it!  And that's the Best!  The Best is the assurance, peace, guidance that God gives me!  I don't have all the answers but He does!  I will have hard times (as will everyone) but God will never leave me!  I have His promise & I believe on His word!  

Thank you Lord for entrusting us to this journey!  Help me to forgive as you love us all & no human is perfect!  Your love is sufficient!  Help me to love others as you love!  Forgive me for when I sin!  And thank you for all those that have shown "Your Love" toward us!  Please be with each of those!  Bless their lives as only You can! Move them in the path You have for their lives & each of us for Your glory!  Please be with the orphans around the word; I pray that you will touch hearts to give these children homes!  I pray that others will show Your love for these less fortunate!  I know they are special to You;  use me to assist in any way possible for giving them love & homes. For the lost, please use Your words though my writings to reach each of them.  I pray for the lost that they will be touched & come to know you!  You are the light & the Only way!  I love you & I'm so unworthy.  I trust you with my life & will go wherever you call.  For me, You are all I need to know!  Thank you for sending your Son for a flawed individual as I!  Niki

Sunday, August 26, 2012

7 years ago....

7 years ago today was one of those days that changed my life forever!  Another one of the many blessings God has granted to me even though I'm completely undeserving!  I cannot believe 7 years ago my beautiful & precious Macy Jade was born!

There is an indescribable amount of  love that I hold for my little mini-me!  She is a Daddy's girl no doubt & she will tell you that in a Mississippi minute!  She knows how to make him jump even before she asks!  

Up until about 6 weeks ago, she was our baby.  I'll be honest in saying that I was not sure how Macy would respond to GiGi being the baby!  Sure she has had some jealous moments, but I could have never imagined her handling it as she has!  She is  "little momma" to GiGi!  Most of the time Macy treats G as her life size baby doll.  MJ has been the most incredible big sister!  I get so caught up that I sometimes forget to say how very proud I am of her!  

She can be an spit fire, but she wouldn't be my mini-me if not!  I'm so thankful God blessed me with her 7 years ago!  She makes me one proud mamma & I cannot wait to see all the great things God has planned for my special girl!

 I love you soooooooo much Macy Jade!!!! 
 Happy Birthday, Princess!

Saturday, August 25, 2012

This is our Guan Ya...........

I cannot wait any longer to show you our newest daughter that will unite with us in less than 6 months.  We are sending her a care package to tell her about us & include some American treats, a photobook of her family (Us! ;0)) a journal, & a camera so she can capture everything in China before uniting with us!  

We've been home almost 3 weeks from China & God has placed our Guan Ya in front of us & in our hearts!  We are overjoyed that He would entrust us with another daughter & we are already in love with her as our other 3 children.   At the same time, following His will is the biggest leap of faith we have ever taken! 
Our newest beautiful daughter is 13 years old & will age out of the system March 8th at the age of 14y/o.  Guan-Ya is deaf-mute and such a sweet, smart, & talented girl! She loves to dance and swim, is a straight A student and leader. Even though she has basically nothing, she gives money she has to others less fortunate on the street!  She helps care for others and is so thoughtful by doing things as making cards for others, caring for the younger, and cooking if anyone is sick. 
My heart sank at the thought of God placing our daughter in our hearts and then us walking away from her.  In 6 months, she will age out of the system & will no longer be available for adoption & the love of a Forever Family - Us....her Forever Family!  How could one not love her?  How could we bear the thought of our daughter aging out & being on the streets of China?  Trust me, we've been to China and they do not support disabilities! With our divine Guan Ya being both deaf and mute, no one could even communicate with her on the streets!
Well, you can see why Not adopting our daughter was NOT an option!  We were in love with our child God had led us to so nothing else mattered! 

We are starting ASL ASAP.  Phil, Colt, Macy Jade, GiGi & I will start & we will share with grandparents, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, church members, etc so we can all communicate together.  I know everyone is excited to start learning!   If you are interested in learning sign language, we will be glad to help & share resources as we learn.  Guan Ya knows CSL (Chinese Sign Language) so she will also need to learn ASL. 

 We have a lot of work a head of us, but we are very excited!  I know we cannot be fluent in Sign Language overnight, but we all have to start somewhere!  We will  make every effort to make sure Guan Ya (and our other children) has the best of all things/resources needed no matter how much more education & time it takes!  

We love you so much Guan Ya & are already so proud of you!  I cannot wait for all the wonderful things God has in store for someone as talented & awesome as you!  We feel more than blessed that our Lord would entrust us to be your family!

This is our beautiful, intelligent, passionate, loving & talented daughter, Guan Ya!  

We already love her so much & we cannot wait to bring home

to this:

We just hope she loves us 1/2 as much as we love her!

All thanks to my talented photographer, Phil Smith, for the second photo of 2 kids & I!  He has such a way with candid shots!  Contact him ASAP for your appointment! 
(At least I was able to talk him out of putting this pic in Guan Ya's photo-book we are sending her! Geeze!)

I hope Guan Ya & all of you have a sense of humor!  With long journeys & difficult times, we tend to use humor to pass the time at our home!  O.k. we just act crazy most the time, but it makes for a lot of fun memories!
Psalm 126:2    "Then our mouth was filled with laughter, and our tongues with shouts of joy; then they said among the nations, The Lord has done great things for them."

Note:  Our go fund me link has changed to
I don't know if the other link will work or not but it is exactly the same.  I did not realize that you could "personalize" the end of the link when I created that site.  
I have Some of the fees posted on there under "Wish List".    I wanted to post them  so you could see the break down of SOME of the fees we will incur during this adoption of Guan Ya.  If you choose to donate, you do not have to donate the amount of the wish list item!  You can donate to certain items on the wish list or just donate any amount.  If you want your donation to go to a specific fee, you can enter the amount after clicking the wish item box.  

I've typed up a lengthy description to present if you would like to read it; that is on the gofundme link.  Also, I really do not mind you sharing our silly looking photo above (thanks hubby!).  It has our link on it & just might make someone's day.

I have complete faith God will provide!  We continue to thank you for  all of your prayers, support, & words of encouragement!  We have been tremendously busy, but are grateful everyday! God Bless each of you for helping bring these children home!

Friday, August 24, 2012

Roller coaster.....I'm ready for u!!!

God is good all the time!  It's easy to praise Him n the good times but He is faithful always!  

Yesterday evening was a rough day with some waterfalls!  I'd already felt a little overwhelmed the morning so the hours later were harder!  By bed time I had put my big girl panties back on and stronger than the prior day!  I never doubted Gods love but it rained a little. If we didn't have obstacles to overcome then it would b hard to grow & prepare us for the next step. 

In my blogs and writings I've always been honest and open about fears, valleys, questions, and unknowns. I think everyone should see a true view of things instead of always just showing pretty smiles. We do the same thing in photography. Some people only want pretty smiles and staged photography that's always "happy". We r a little different in that we want to show the entire view - not just the "happy/bright" but also the "sad/dark" sides too.   We all have different personalities and views and we r just more realists n life - pictures, words, thoughts, expectations. 

With that said I don't want to change my style and paint all pretty when each day is different. Just because I express a hard day never means I'm giving up or discouraged!  I'll looking for the light at the top and my determination and love will keepe going no matter what is thrown n the way. 

Please remember I'm only being honest and in no way doubting or turning around.  Those of u that really know me understand my stubbornness and drive when I stand firm. Doubt and obstacles only make me more determined. We will succeed and greater than anyone could imagine!!!

With that being has been awesome!  I woke up refreshed.  My drive is stronger than ever!  GiGi had an appointment with the specialist today. Her issues are pretty unique but nothing needs to b done at this time. They r going to keep a close eye on her and eventually we will have decisions to make.  We knew this so it wasn't a surprise. U can see her without a shirt on and understand that.  But for today's step, nothing needs to b done!  YEAH!!! B

On to awesome news again!!!!  We found out this mornig we are already preapproved for Guan Ya!  Wow, wow talk about God speed!!!!!  I didn't even know that u could get a PA within 2 days!  I never doubted Gods hand was in us adopting our newest beautiful daughter!!!  But God shows out when we need him too!  I know there is a lot of time, education & effort but we never doubted the challenge and we will fight to give Guan Ya the very best while doing Gods will. 

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Wishing.................Creaking Step

Wow - Some days, I just wish  life could just be paused everywhere & I could go in fast-forward mode until I was ready to hit play again!  
Fast-forward all the work I'm behind on & need to do -
 -get the house spotless & organized
-all the dishes washed & put up
-all the clothes gone through (get rid of all the ones we do not need/do not fit) 
-wash & fold up all the others, get rid of all the things we do not need
-strip Macy & GiGi's dresser & repaint it (so they would actually have one)
-get all the yard work done & our outside looking all pretty
-get the basement sealed so it could possible be used as another room
-get doors put on the garage as a room & not a garage
-bring the kids trampoline over here (which would require taking it apart & putting it back together)
-bring the kid's playground over here - they really need a place to play with slides/swings/etc (also requires taking it apart, moving it, & assembling it
{and it's huge - Thanks Joey D.; it's awesome, but you never built it to move! lol} )
-clean out our storage  building & get it fixed where we never finished - including bathroom 
-clean inside & out of the vehicles
-grow a garden {I said fast-forward time while it's paused}& put up veggies so we could have good foods without the high prices & additives
-message all the people i need to contact
-fill out all the forms I need to fill out (which is a ton)
-Go through ALL the mail from the month we were gone
-write out all my bills (and magically make all the money be there when life went back on play - hey I'm wishing anyway)
-get all GiGi's paperwork together (all post adoption stuff, forms filled out, medical insurance ready for go when we get her SS, etc.)
-research all about deafness
-learn sign language
-find ALL outlets possible for Eliza
-build an extra room for her (she will be 14y/o but as of now does not have her on room)
- research & get fundraisers organized & ready for go
-get caught up on all my business (ordering, questions answered, orders packed & shipped, etc.)
-write thank you notes to many people that helped in the last adoption
-Get John S.'s family there shirts that have been hanging around forever & I need to get to them
-Get my wonderful friend Dawn S. her items she ordered & do something special for all she has done for me
-send card out & drop food off for some
-downsize, downsize, downsize to ONLY the things we need
-remember who else I owe something too or need to do something for
-get all the items made, organized, & an awesome display for my market items
- finish many blogs I've started but not finished
-write that book Phil & I are wanting to write (yeah he could be on fast-forward too)
-organize pictures
-cook supper - a GOOD supper
-get some sleep & get rested (not sure what that is anymore)
-pray, pray, pray & take time to stop & listen - listen intensely
-etc., etc. etc.  

Doing all these things would only get me caught up to where I need to be! Sigh!  
Sounds more like a job for Ty Pennington & crew! LOL

Wowza, that was a selfish list full of I's & me, me, me!  As you can probably tell I'm feeling overwhelmed today!  Yes, all the above & more needs to be done & No, they will not get finished!  Not today, tomorrow, next week & many will still be here in a month & years ahead!  Sometimes I just feel insufficient in what I accomplish!  I get just a few hours sleep and run in circles most days (or so it seems).  

I'm sure you are thinking "Well, get off the computer & do something!"  But I feel I am doing something when I blog!  I get to sit down for a few minutes (even if it includes a monkey crawling on me saying "Momma" & constantly wanting me to open something, get something out, do something - a dog using my hand as a chew toy as I try to type & keep her from jumping on the computer {this would be the smaller of the 2} & another big ol' baby standing at the couch with his jabber jaws hanging on my knee as slobber drips & his most pitiful eyes looking at me as if "are  you ever going to play with me?").  I blog because it is what I feel God has led me to do to share with others.  Maybe today He wanted me to share the above to say "No one gets caught up", to show we are real people with real problems too, or to get someone to give me some info on how to "Get'er all done"?  I don't know but all I know is that I'm not one that has openly opened the door to our lives. God has wanted us to open our doors & God is showing out & I need to brag!  

We are walking up the steps & all we see is one step at a time. We can see a haze of what appears to be unending steps ahead of us as we continue up.  As we proceed some steps are dark, some are broken, some have holes in them, a few are painted others are stained, some creek & are scary, some are everyday steps, some are stone while others are wood, some steps are only tiny and you can barely even tell there is a step, others appear really easy but are so shaky when you place a foot on it, & others you think are too steep to walk and are the easiest once you get there.  Each step is different & even though we do not see the end, we cannot worry about that because we need to focus on the step we are at now.  We find assurance, strength & endurance that there is the most enormous &  sturdiest handrail right beside us at every step.  Some steps we have to heavily lean on the rail to hold us up & others we simply hold on.  Even if we cannot see the step ahead we can always see the handrail & it gives us the encouragement to continue to the top.

So even though I'm wishing today, I'm really at a creaking step. And to be completely honest I've not looked down so it may be a firm sturdy step and only my knees I hear creaking as my leg quiver.
 I find strength that I can hold on tight to the handrail & it will not leave me stranded! 

I pray you will take the challenge to climb the steps ahead of you with perseverance & comfort knowing you are not alone & the prize is at the top........even if you cannot see it!

And then the curves

 These steps look easy but it's not all black & white....
You turn the corner only to be at the bottom of this....

Sometimes you may even have valleys before you reach the top

Proverbs 3:5,6 Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.

I don't have to understand!  My God's got it!  He is the all-knowing & not I!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


We have posted various things alluding to an adoption. So yes, we are excited to be adopting a 13 year old girl from China! Oh man, I have a teenage daughter! LoL. So, I'm gonna need advice from dads who have survived! She is deaf and I know that will present some challenges, but nothing compared to what she would have faced if she had "aged out" of her orphanage on March 9th and been deaf, alone, and on the streets. I can't have my daughter live that life. I can't wait to get her home. Pray for me! We are having to really push the paperwork through and we will have to raise all the money prior to traveling (before March) We'll need lots of help to bring our daughter home! Phil

Friday, August 17, 2012

The Difference In a Month

I've been kinda emotional the last day & really feeling the need to be a voice for the children we left behind in China.  I've started 2 blogs that I've not been able to finish since yesterday.  One was a letter to GiGi's biological mom & the other is filled with information/stats/facts about GiGi's orphanage & other orphans. 

I hope to get atleast one blog out tomorrow or the next day.  The blogs have been very difficult to write because GiGi is my daughter PERIOD THE END!  I do not want to think of her as an orphaned child as she is not that to me!  That is why it is hard for me to revisit the images permanently embedded in my mind & the pics from her orphanage!  
I do not want to think about my baby being there!  
I do not want to remember my child was

I do not want to think & wonder
"What if I had not followed God's plan & she was still there waiting on someone to Love her & give her a forever home?"

I want to know her as the HAPPY, SILLY, GIGGLY girl I know now!  Granted she IS that girl, but I do not need to forget that the orphanage & her past is part of who she is! I do not need to forget those children we left behind!  

We left part of our heart in China when we left!  Tears rolled down my face the day we rode away to Hong Kong!  It was that very day that Phil said to me "GiGi is special to us but NO MORE deserving to have love & a forever home than any other child in that orphanage!"  He is absolutely right!  Every child deserves a home & love!  They NEED us and these children will bless your life!  GiGi could still be in that orphanage looking at each adoptive family that passes through with the looks of terror, hopelessness, abandonment we saw in these poor children!  The look on these children's face would tear the heart out of anyone with a pulse! 

 That WAS my child!  We cannot change the world, but we can change one life at a time!  We are not finished & will speak out until EVERY orphan has a forever home & love!  For this post I will leave you with before & after pics of our angel.  You can see in pictures alone what a difference a family will make in a child.  GiGi was placed in our arms 7/16/2012.  ONE month ago today, we signed the final papers making her our daughter forever & not an orphan!  See the difference for yourselves

Pictures of GiGi from orphanage:

These last 2 pics were the last we had gotten prior to heading to China.  They are about 5 weeks prior to adoption completion. 

Do you recognize this child????  
I can see the same features, but I know a different child than these pics show!  She is no different than all the other orphans except she was the lucky one that got a forever home!  Some of the children will never have a home & will go out to the streets around age 15-16y/o with NO ONE & Nothing~

Click the link below to see:

We cannot turn our backs on these precious children & simply go away or forget as they look for hope, love, help, and a forever family:

Rather we must take them by the hand 
& walk with them!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

The problem with Little Purple Loveseats......


Maybe if I look at it I can find the problem..........

 Let's try it this way..........


And Again..........

Maybe if I look at it while I'm on here I can figure out the prob.........

Moved & tried again...........

 Can you tell by the face how happy she is that this seat will not let her SIT on it?????

Let me just take it somewhere else......

Oh yes, this looks like a good spot to try again........

Here I go........

What???  That didn't seem to work either......

Trying again.......

And again................

 And again...............
 And again...............

 And let me look at this one more time.......
The face says it all.............
 I'll just rock it............
 Fingers for comfort.......

 Mommmmmmm.......would you please just hold me?  It doesn't work!
 And that's the problem with little purple loveseats..........

How many times do we stress over things as small as this little purple loveseat????